
    Your System

    We kind­ly ask you to give us detailed infor­ma­tion about your micros­cope and your appli­ca­tion. This allows us to give you the best pos­si­ble tech­ni­cal and tech­no­log­i­cal advice in one step. If the avail­able names do not per­fect­ly match your prod­uct, please use the “Other” options to write your own text. 


    ZeissLeicaEvi­dent (Olym­pus)NikonOther (brand, type, acces­sories):

    [group g_MB-Z clear_on_hide]
    Type of your Zeiss micros­cope [required]
    Axio Observ­er 7Axio Observ­er 5Axio Observ­er 3Axio Observ­erAxio Examiner.A1Axio Exam­in­erAxio Imager 2Axio Imager.A2Axio Imager.A2mAxio Imager.D2Axio Imager.D2mAxio ImagerAxio ScopePri­movertOther:

    Ver­sion / Acces­sories [option­al, multiselect]
    Zeiss Cell Observ­er SDZeiss Cell Observ­er HSZeiss Apo­tomeZeiss LSM 800 with AiryscanZeiss LSM 880 with AiryscanZeiss LSM 780Zeiss Elyra superresolution

    [group g_MB-L clear_on_hide]
    Type of your Leica micros­cope [required]
    DMi8 SDMi8DM IL LEDDMI 6000DMI 4000DM6DM4Other:
    Acces­sories [option­al, multiselect]
    Leica THUNDERLeica TCS SP8Leica TCS SP8 STEDLeica TCS SP8 XLeica SP8 FALCONLeica SP8 DIVELeica Infin­i­ty Scan­nerLeica Infin­i­ty TIRF

    [group g_MB-O clear_on_hide]
    Type of your Evi­dent (Olym­pus) micros­cope [required]
    IX83 Two-DecksIX83 One-DeckIX73 Two-DecksIX73 One-DeckBX63BX53BX53-PBX43BX46IX53 One-DeckIX81IX71Other:
    Acces­sories [option­al, multiselect]
    Evi­dent (Olym­pus) Z drift com­pen­sa­tion (IX3-ZDC)Evi­dent (Olym­pus) Remote Cor­rec­tion Col­lar unit (IX3-RCC)Evi­dent (Olym­pus) cellTIRFEvi­dent (Olym­pus) cell­FRAPEvi­dent (Olym­pus) Motor­ized mag­ni­fi­ca­tion chang­er (D-MGCA)

    [group g_MB-N clear_on_hide]
    Type of your Nikon micros­cope [required]
    Eclipse Ti2-EEclipse Ti2-E dual layerEclipse Ti2-A sin­gle layerEclipse Ti2-U sin­gle layerEclipse TiEclipse Ti dual layerEclipse NI-EEclipse Ni-UOther:
    Acces­sories [option­al, multiselect]
    Nikon Stage Up Kit (TI2-LA-SUE or TI2-LA-SU)Nikon DMD Mod­ule (TI-LA-DMD)Nikon FRAP Mod­ule (TI-LA-FRAP)Nikon N-STORM Module2 (TI2-LA-NS2)Nikon H-TIRF Mod­ule (TI-LA-HTIRF)Nikon TIRF Mod­ule (TI-LA-TRIF)Nikon Epi-FL Mod­ule for Large FOV (TI2-LA-FLL)Nikon Epi-FL Mod­ule (TI2-LA-FL)

    [group g_MB-Other clear_on_hide]
    Andor Cam­era iXon UltraAndor Cam­era iXon LifeAndor Cam­era Sona sCMOSAndor Cam­era Marana sCMOSAndor Cam­era Zyla 4.2 PLUSAndor Cam­era Zyla 5.5 sCMOSAndor Cam­era Neo 5.5 sCMOSAndor Drag­on­flyHama­mat­su Cam­eraYoko­gawa CSU-W1Yoko­gawa CSU-X1Yoko­gawa CSU-W1 SoRaMicro­ma­nip­u­la­torOther:

    Stage [required]

    Scan­ning Stage (open­ing ▭ 160x110mm)Scan­ning Stage (other open­ing size or shape)Mechan­i­cal 3-Plate Stage (open­ing ▭ 160x110mm)Mechan­i­cal 3-Plate Stage (other open­ing size or shape)Fixed Stage & Object GuideOther (brand, type, acces­sories):

    [group g_StageScanningZ clear_on_hide]
    Zeiss Stage Types [option­al]
    Zeiss Scan­ning Stage 130x100 STEPZeiss Scan­ning Stage 130x100 PIEZOZeiss Scan­ning Stage 130x85 STEPZeiss Scan­ning Stage 130x85 PIEZO
    [group g_StageScanningL clear_on_hide]
    Leica Stage Types [option­al]
    Leica Motor­ized 3-Plate Stage 127x83Leica Slim Motor­ized 3-Plate Stage 35x35Leica Scan­ning Stage 127x83Leica SCAN­plus IM 130x85
    [group g_StageScanningO clear_on_hide]
    Evi­dent (Olym­pus) Stage Types [option­al]
    Evi­dent (Olym­pus) BX3-SSU
    [group g_StageScanningN clear_on_hide]
    Nikon Stage Types [option­al]
    Nikon TI2-S-SE-ENikon TI2-S-SS-EOther:

    [group g_StageScanningOther clear_on_hide]
    Other Stage Man­u­fac­tur­ers Types [option­al]
    ASI MS-2000 Flat-Top XYZASI MS-2000 XYZASI PZ-2000 Series XYZASI PZ-2000FT Series XYZASI US-2000 Flat-Top XYZLudl BioPrecision3 LM X-Y StageLudl BioPrecision2 X-Y StageLudl BioPoint2 X-Y StageMärzhäuser SCAN IM 120x80Märzhäuser SCAN­plus IM 120x80Märzhäuser SCAN IM 120x100Märzhäuser SCAN IM 130x85Märzhäuser SCAN­plus IM 130x85Prior HLD117 120x72Prior H117 114x75Prior H101A 114x75Prior H107 112x70Thor­labs MLS203Other:

    [group g_StageScanning_Add clear_on_hide] 

    Addi­tion­al Stage Com­po­nents (e.g. Z-axis actors) [option­al]
    Zeiss WSB 500Leica Super Z-GalvoASI Piezo Z-AxisPrior NanoScanThor­labs MZS-500-ELudl Nano­Pre­ci­sion Z-stageOther:


    Cell Culture Vessel [optional, multiselect]

    Petri dish ’35’Petri dish ‘60’Petri dish ‘100’POC-R2POCmi­ni 2Object SlideLab-Tek Cham­bered Cov­er­glassLab-Tek Cham­ber SlideIbidi SlidesMul­ti­well platesCell Cul­ture FlasksUther­mol Cham­berOther:


    Heat­ing onlyCooling/HeatingCO2CO2/O2Humid­i­fi­ca­tionOther: