PeCon Series 2000 Firmware

Get the lat­est firmware for our Series 2000 devices and com­po­nents to have new fea­tures, bug­fix­es and full com­pat­i­bil­i­ty of all devices with each other. The firmware update process is very robust, even a power fail­ure should not dam­age your device. If your device does not start the appli­ca­tion, but stops at the boot­loader, then just try to repro­gramm the firmware with our down­load tool.

Down­load the archive and extract it to a tem­po­rary fold­er. Check the “ReadMe.txt” file for more infor­ma­tion about usage. The archive con­tains the firmware files for all PeCon Series 2000 com­po­nents, which firmware can be updated.

Includ­ed lat­est firmware ver­sions in archive v01.040:

Tem­p­Con­troller 2000-2 (also cellVivo design) v01.240
(Heat­ing Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem XS 2000 [128x86] added to com­po­nent list)
Tem­p­Con­troller 2000-1 v01.240
(Heat­ing Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem XS 2000 [128x86] added to com­po­nent list)
CO2-Con­troller 2000 (also cellVivo design) v01.030
CO2-O2-Con­troller 2000 (also cellVivo design) v01.030
CO2-Sen­sor 2000 (used in above gas Controllers) v01.010
Heat­ing Unit 2000 v01.010
Heat­ing Unit XL S2 v01.010
Temp­Mod­ule LSFM v01.002
  • PeCon Update (1,0 MB) - 06.10.2022
    Win­dows 2000/XP/Server2003/Vista/Win7/Win8.1/Win10 (32 & 64-bit)
    Please install the lat­est PeCon USB dri­ver before using the down­load tool. With­out the USB dri­ver the down­load tool does not work.
  • PeCon USB-Driver v1.5 ( (44K)
    Win­dows 2000/XP/Server2003/Vista/Win7/Win8.1/Win10 (32 & 64-bit) WDM WHQL Driver
    If you have a Tem­p­Con­troller 2000-2 or 2000-1 that is still on Firmware v01.230, please update to the lat­est ver­sion in order to pre­vent pos­si­ble dam­age. A bug could impair the case fan if it gets acti­vat­ed by the ther­mal switch.